JING Xiaoyan currently serves as a senior engineer of Single-Cell Center at CAS-QIBEBT. She received her PhD degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2018. Her research interests focus on the development of methodology and platform based on Raman and single-cell genomics for environmental functional microorganism. She has published over 10 peer-reviewed papers on mSystems, ISME J, Environ. microbiol, Nat. commun, Anal. Chem., etc., applied for 6 invention patents, and undertake 3 projects as PI, including National Key R&D Program Young Scientists Project of China, young scientist fund of NSFC, etc.
Research Interests:
Raman spectroscopy; Single-cell genomics; Environmental functional microorganism; Raman-activated cell sorting
Featured Publications :
Jing XY*, Gong YH*, Xu T*, Meng Y, Han X, Su XL, Wang JM, Ji YT, Li YD, Jia ZJ, Ma B, Xu J. (2021). One-cell metabolic phenotyping and sequencing of soil microbiome by Raman-activated gravity-driven encapsulation (RAGE). mSystems, 6: e00181-21.
Jing XY, Gou HL, Gong YH, Ji YT, Su XL, Han MZ, Xu L#, Wang TT#. (2019). Seasonal dynamics of the coastal bacterioplankton at intensive fish-farming areas of the Yellow Sea, China revealed by high-throughput sequencing. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139:366-375.
Jing XY*, Gou HL*, Gong YH*, Su XL, Xu L, Ji YT, Ian P. Thompson, Xu J#, Huang W#. (2018). Raman-activated cell sorting linking cell function and genotype reveals carbon-fixing bacteria in Yellow Sea of China. Environmental Microbiology, 20(6):2241-2255.
Ni HW, Jing XY, Xiao X, Zhang N, Wang XY, Sui YY, Sun B, Liang YT. (2021). Microbial metabolism and necromass mediated fertilization effect on soil organic carbon after long-term community incubation in different climates. The ISME Journal, 15,2561-2573.
Su XL*, Gong YH*, Gou HL, Jing XY, Xu T, Zheng XS, Chen RZ, Li YD, Ji YT, Ma B, Xu J. (2020). Rational Optimization of Raman-Activated Cell Ejection and Sequencing for Bacteria. Analytical Chemistry, 92(12): 8081-8089.
Xu CG*, Huang RR*, Teng L, Jing XY, Hu JQ, Cui GZ, Wang YL, Cui Q, Xu J. (2015). Cellulosome stoichiometry in Clostridium cellulolyticum is regulated by selective RNA processing and stabilization. Nature Communications, 6:6900.