About Us
Join Us
We are recruiting at all levels, from CAS Hundred-Talent Award Program (百人计划) , professors, associate professors, assistant professors, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students (including guest students) and undergraduate students. If you are a motivated scientist who are interested in functional genomics, bioinformatics, microfluidics, synthetic biology, systems biology, single-cell technology, microbial genetics, molecular biology, metagenomics, computational biology, or have working experiences related to the above areas, please feel free to contact us.
From Jan 2013, researchers with newly awarded Ph.D. degree are required to work as postdoctor first. For details please contact the human resource department of QIBEBT.
P.S. Welfare of Postdoctoral researchers in Qingdao
1.¥50,000 starting funding to kick-start research projects
2. Living allowance of¥30,000~60,000 per year (on top of salary)
3. After postdoctoral work,¥100,000 housing allowance for working in Qingdao, and¥200,000 for starting your own business in Qingdao
4.¥500 per month allowance for not living with spouse together in Qingdao
Address: No. 189 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong. 266101
Email: singlecell@qibebt.ac.cn
Tel/Fax: 86-532-80662653/2654