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Ph.D., Research Assistant



     Zhang Jia received a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Shandong Normal University in 2010. She received a M.S. and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2015. In 2017, she finished the Post-doctoral in Single Cell Center of Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT), Chinese Academy of science. During the Post-doctoral, she studied at University of Houston, USA as a visiting scholar. She has published sever papers on peer-reviewed journals such as Metabolic Engineering, Bioresource Technology and 3 patents.

Research direction

    Gene synthesis: de novo synthesis of genes, high-throughput synthesis of genes on-chip,microfluidic manipulation of gene chips;Metabolic Engineering: Gene en gineering of yeast metabolic pathways to produce xylitol andethanol.Please refer to https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhang_Jia8.


  1. Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Wang, D.M., Gao, X.L., Hong, J(*)., 2015. Rapid ethanol production atelevated temperatures by engineered thermotolerant Kluyveromyces marxianus via the NADP(H)-
preferring xylose reductase-xylitol dehydrogenase pathway.
Metabolic Engineering, 31, 140-152.(IF=8.142)
 2. Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Wang, D.M., Gao, X.L., Hong, J(*)., 2014. Xylitol production at hightemperature by engineered Kluyveromyces marxianus. Bioresource Technology, 152, 192-201.(IF=5.651)
 3. Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Wang, D.M., Gao, X.L., Hong, J(*)., 2015. Improving xylitolproduction at elevated temperature with engineered Kluyveromyces marxianus through overexpressing transporters. Bioresource Technology, 175, 642-645. (IF=5.651).

 4. Zhang, B(#)., Zhang, J(#) (Co-author)., Wang, D.M., Han, R.X., Ding, R., Gao, X.L., Sun,L.H., Hong, J(*)., 2016. Simultaneous fermentation of glucose and xylose at elevated temperaturesco-produces ethanol and xylitol through overexpression of a xylose-specific transporter in engineered Kluyveromyces marxianus. Bioresource Technology, 216, 227-237. (IF=5.651)
 5. Zhang, B., Li, L.L., Zhang, J., Gao, X.L., Wang, D.M., Hong, J(*)., 2013. Improving ethanol and xylitol fermentation at elevated temperature through substitution of xylose reductase in Kluyveromyces marxianus. Journal of Industrial Microbiology Biotechnology, 40, 305-316.(IF=2.810)
 6. Wan, W., Li, L.L., Xu, Q.Q., Wang, Z.F., Yao, Y., Wang, R.L., Zhang, J., Liu, H.Y., Gao,X.L., Hong, J(*)., 2014. Error removal in microchip-synthesized DNA using immobilized MutS.Nucleic Acids Research, 42.(IF=10.162)
 7. Zhang, B., Zhu, Y.L., Zhang, J., Gao, X.L., Wang, D.M., Hong, J(*)., 2016. Engineered Kluyveromyces marxianus for pyruvate production at elevated temperature with simultaneousconsumption of xylose and glucose . Bioresource Technology. (IF=5.651)



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