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Single-cell Analysis Instruments
  • New Study Reveals How E. coli Cells E...


    The formation of persisters is an important feature of bacteria like Escherichia coli (E. coli). These noxious cells, being able to go dormant, are highly resistant to antimicrobial treatments and crucially account for various relapsing chronic infections with common symptoms such as severe stomach pain, vomiting and bloody diarrhea.Formation of persister cells is thought to be one of the most ...

  • Powerful New Tool to Battle Against C...


    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), the bacteria that can cause human gastritis, peptic ulcers and stomach cancer, infects about half of the world's population. It is essential to quickly identify the infection and select the right combination of sensitive antibiotics. Current tools, however, are limited, mainly because H. pylori are slow growing and hard to cultivate.Researchers from the Qingdao ...

  • Ramanome / Meta-Ramanome


    ​Raman spectroscopy is a scattering technique that relies on the inelastic scattering of photons. The excitation of molecular bonds results in the shifts of the energy of laser photons and thus frequency change of the incident light. Therefore, a compound can have a specific Raman spectrum, while a Single-cell Raman Spectrum (SCRS) can depict the overall profile of metabolites in the cell, i.e...

  • Automated CAST-R System Helps to Iden...


    When treating acute infections in patients, health care providers must be able to quickly and accurately identify the best antibiotics for fighting the infection.A research team led by researchers from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Peking Union Medical College Hospital has developed an automated system that pro...

  • Ramanome Technique Devised to Spot ‘...


    A Chinese research team has devised a ramanome-based technique to catch pathogens that are still present and metabolically active in a tooth about to undergo root canal treatment even after they appear to have stopped growing.The technique could limit re-infections while reducing the amount of disinfectant required, in turn dialling down the chance of side-effects.The technique and its applicat...

  • New Ramanome Technology Unveils Metab...


    Researchers with the Single-Cell Center, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), have developed a fast, low-cost and high-throughput technique capable of profiling dynamic metabolic features from just one isogenic sample of cells.The study was published in mBio on August 31.​New Ramanome Technology Unveils Metabolite Conversio...

  • Integrated Approach Streamlines Genom...


    A single cell can reveal much about the biological world through genomic sequencing. Scientists can compare a single, isolated cell to other samples, analyzing the differences and similarities to better understand how the organisms originated and evolved — or even to discover entirely new species.However, despite the rapid development ofsingle-cellsequencing technologies, sample preparation is...

  • Ramanome Database Can Help Mining Mic...


    Microalgae are "simple" organisms of single cells, yet they pack a mighty potential punch when it comes to helping humanity achieve carbon neutrality, according to researchers from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Their metabolic activities play fundamental roles in global carbon cycling and convert carbon dioxide in...

  • Researchers Develop Technique to Func...


    ​A new, extremely precise technique has been developed that allows the identification of the metabolic function and genome of soil bacteria one bacterial cell at a time instead of having to analyze millions all at once. The process should permit 'mining' of soil for bacteria of particular biological or industrial interest.Researchers from the Single-Cell Center at the Qingdao Institute of Bioe...

  • Single-cell Test Can Reveal Precisely...


    Cancer cells are smart when it comes to anti-cancer drugs, evolving and becoming resistant to even the strongest chemotherapies over time. To combat this evasive behavior, researchers have developed a methodnamed D2O-probed CANcer Susceptibility Test Ramanometry (D2O-CANST-R; Fig. 1) to see, at single-cell/organelle level, how pharmaceuticals induce cancer cell death and how cancer cells adapt....

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