本科毕业于南京大学环境工程(2005),研究生毕业于美国新奥尔良杜兰大学,获物理化学博士学位(2014)。 随后在密歇根州立大学植物生物系从事博士后研究,同时为美国能源部大湖生物能源研究中心高级研究员(2015-2020)。主要研究领域为先进成像技术的开发和其在生物领域的应用,重点是原子力显微镜和受激拉曼显微镜在植物细胞壁结构研究中的应用,开创性的把非线性成像技术应用生物能源研究领域,通过研究生物质预处理和发酵过程中的实时成像,对生物质处理的机理研究和工艺优化提供了助力,研究成果发表在顶级同行评议刊物。有多年的仪器开发和生物物理研究经验, 主持参与多项美国能源部、NSF研究项目,设计和搭建了中心第一台受激拉曼成像系统,有力推动了大湖生物能源中心在相关领域的研究,为生物质材料的选育和改造、生物质预处理和酶降解机理等研究提供了重要的技术支撑。曾获美国科学促进会卓越科学奖(AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science)以及杜兰大学Cary J. Morrow Award及Trebella物理化学奖等多个奖项。2020底入职单细胞中心,主要致力于受激拉曼单细胞分析分选和先进成像技术的开发
1. Zhang, J.,Shen, W., Collings, C., Vander Meulen, K. A., Fox, B. G., Vázquez Ramos, L. M., Dumesic, J. A., & Ding, S.-Y. (2021). Visualizing plant cell wall changes proves the superiority of hydrochloric acid over sulfuric acid catalyzed γ-valerolactone pretreatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 128660.
2. Song, B., Zhao, S.,Shen, W., Collings, C., & Ding, S.-Y. (2020). Direct Measurement of Plant Cellulose Microfibril and Bundles in Native Cell Walls. Frontiers in Plant Science.
3. Shen, W., Collings, C., Li, M., Markovicz, J., Ralph, J., Mansfield, S., & DING, S. (2019). Imaging changes in cell walls of engineered poplar by stimulated Raman scattering and atomic force microscopy. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
4. Park, S., Song, B., Shen, W., & Ding, S. Y. (2019). A mutation in the catalytic domain of cellulose synthase 6 halts its transport to the Golgi apparatus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70(21), 6071–6083.
5. Bhalla, A., Bansal, N., Pattathil, S., Li, M., Shen, W., Particka, C. A., … Hegg, E. L. (2018). Engineered Lignin in Poplar Biomass Facilitates Cu-Catalyzed Alkaline-Oxidative Pretreatment. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
6. Song, B., Li, B., Wang, X., Shen, W., Park, S., Collings, C., … Ding, S.-Y. (2018). Real-time imaging reveals that lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase promotes cellulase activity by increasing cellulose accessibility. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11(1), 41.